Главная Шаблоны для Joomla JoomVision Шаблон Joomla - JV Irrit
Шаблон Joomla - JV Irrit
Шаблоны для Joomla - JoomVision
(7 Голосов)Автор: Админ
30 Мая 2010
Шаблон от студии JoomVision для Joomla! 1.5
Позиции модулей шаблона от JoomVision для Joomla! 1.5
Особенности шаблона:
Modern design, extremely effective and smart beauty car template.
JV Headline: Slideshow your content with many pro options and effects setting in back-end.
JV Accordion Menu: allowing you to create an accordion menu for the sub-level navigation.
JV Tabs: The most professional tab module in the market to display content or module of your choice.
JV ContentFusion: Show only thumbnails of your content image, display text and other information when hover with smooth effect
JV Latest News Showing your latest news with images and specific style
Adjustable font size from template tools or in backend
100% Tableless design. 100% CSS/DIV compliance.
Joomla 1.5.x native
Well-comment CSS and PHP code files
Tutorial + Detailed userguide
Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files
Delivered with “QuickStart Package”
3 columns layout based template
Compatible IE 7+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+, Chrome
В архиве: Шаблон (Template) | Быстрый старт (QuickStart) | Расширения (Extensions) | Изображения (Source images)
Тип: Коммерческий
Размер: 12.47 Mb