Главная Шаблоны для Joomla JoomVision Шаблон Joomla - JV Bara v1.5.0 | Бизнес

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Шаблон Joomla - JV Bara v1.5.0 | Бизнес

Шаблоны для Joomla - JoomVision

(4 Голосов)

Автор: Админ

20 Февраля 2011


Шаблон от студии JoomVision для Joomla! 1.5


Позиции модулей шаблона.

Универсальный шаблон JV Bara для Joomla! от студии Joomlavision, с новым функциональным Mega Menu, отлично подойдет для демонстрации своих продуктов, бизнес услуг и.т.д.

JV Bara now is applying a totally fresh and new menu system which named Mega Menu with a variety of functions. Mega Menu mainly helps webmaster add more icons or modules, create more groups for their own menus. Their website will be rich of information, consequently. Moreover, JV Bara comes with style support for K2 CCK extension which assist webmaster managing contents in a professional way. This template also supports a number of modules such as JV Headline, JV Twitter and JV Tabs for the purpose of providing different ways to present your content or product more effectively.

Особенности шаблона:

  • Can be used portfolio, corporate, business, showcase, blog, studio...
  • JV Tabs: The most professional tab module in the market to display content or module of your choice
  • JV Headline: Slideshow your content with many pro options and effects setting in back-end
  • JV Twitter: allowing to display a configurable numbers of updates based on Twitter API
  • Adjustable font size from template tools or in backend
  • 100% Tableless design. 100% CSS/DIV compliance.
  • Joomla 1.5.x native
  • RTL language support
  • Mega Menu support
  • Well-comment CSS and PHP code files
  • Tutorial + Detailed userguide
  • Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files
  • Delivered with “QuickStart Package”
  • 2 columns layout based template
  • 27 module positions ready
  • Compatible IE 7+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+, Chrome
  • Compact size, using gzip and image sprites

Демо: http://www.zootemplate.com/demo/zt_bara/
В архиве: Шаблон (Template) | Быстрый старт (QuickStart) | Расширения (Extensions) | Изображения (Source images)
Совместимость: Совместимость Joomla 1.5 Native
Размер: 15 Mb

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