Главная Шаблоны для Joomla RocketTheme Шаблон phpBB3 - RT Quasar phpBB3 Style

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Шаблон phpBB3 - RT Quasar phpBB3 Style

Шаблоны для Joomla - RocketTheme

(7 Голосов)

Автор: Админ

29 Апреля 2010


Шаблон для форума phpBB3 от RocketTheme

Quasar is a very powerful and feature rich Free / GPL phpBB3 style, on an almost comparable level with our Club Templates, in terms of functionality.

In conjunction with RokBB3 free version, the other features such as a CSS dropdown menu and 6 style variations, amongst many others, make Quasar a useful, diverse and functional free template, great for any purpose..


* Free and GPL
* RTL Support
* 6 Style Variations
* SEO Optimised Layout
* CSS Dropdown Menu
* RokNavMenu exporter support
* Integrated RokBB3 Administration module
* 3 Customizable layout positions
* Adobe PNG Source Files Included
* W3C XHTML 1.0 Strict

Демо: http://demo.rockettheme.com/phpbb3/index.php?style=64
В архиве: Шаблон (Template) | Изображения (Source images)
Совместимость: phpBB 3+
Размер: 4 Mb

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